Falling in Love at the Taj Mahal

Linzi is one of those people everyone should be lucky enough to have in their lives. Adventurous, type-A, with the kind of cackling laugh that makes you snort through your nose, Linzi is what you would call a “travel fiend,” the girl saves up all of her money so then she can promptly spend it backpacking around some…

Goa – Trading Booze for Explosives

Whenever I told people I was heading to India, the same word kept popping up in conversations like kernels in a hot pan: Goa.  The beaches, the drinks, the food.  A must. So when a couple of friends invited me to go for New Years, I hopped a flight and met them there.  Everyone was…

Henna in Hyderabad

I have always liked the idea of India.  It seemed like an exotic place filled with sounds and sights and languages completely foreign to me.  Upon arriving in Hyderabad, I realized this was perhaps the least prepared for something I have ever been in my life.  There are, simply, people everywhere. Even living in Chicago…